Assignment 2 - Tasks 1, 2, 3
Link to Assignment 2 - Task 1 - assignment-2-task-1-powerpoint-238749417 Task 2 – Video pitch on summarising the key points of Task 1. Task 2 – Video pitch on summarising the key points of Task 1. “Hello, my name is Teisha-Lani and I’m here to tell you about how consumers use technology and how it has impacted our lives.” “ A bit of history of the internet”: The first wide area network was ARPANET which was created in 1969 to help link computers at pentagon- funded research institutions over telephone lines. In 1990 the world wide web was invented. Between 1998 and 1999 google was established. These are some key moments in technology history. The internet today is a widespread information structure and that’s why it is called the ‘Information superhighway’ Individuals such as consumers, can access the internet and services such as email or the world wide web using many methods like: An indirect way of accessing ...