Assignment 2 - Tasks 1, 2, 3


Link to Assignment 2 - Task 1  -    assignment-2-task-1-powerpoint-238749417 

Task 2 – Video pitch on summarising the key points of Task 1.


  • Task 2 – Video pitch on summarising the key points of Task 1.

    “Hello, my name is Teisha-Lani and I’m here to tell you about how consumers use technology and how it has impacted our lives.”

    “   A bit of history of the internet”: The first wide area network was

    • ARPANET which was created in 1969 to help link computers at pentagon- funded research institutions over telephone lines. 
    • In 1990 the world wide web was invented. 
    • Between 1998 and 1999 google was established. 

    These are some key moments in technology history. 

    The internet today is a widespread information structure and that’s why it is called the ‘Information superhighway’ 

    Individuals such as consumers, can access the internet and services such as email or the world wide web using many methods like:

    • An indirect way of accessing which is common at home or in offices. 
    • Direct access which is common when travelling, this would be a process on a mobile phone or any digital device that can connect to 3G/4G. 

    A quick fact: From July 2020 – 4.57 billion people were active internet users, this means it was compassing 59% of the global population. 

    Digital devices used by audiences. 

    There are multiple ways for consumers to access the internet via different digital devices. 

    Such as a computer, tablet, mobile phone or laptop. 

    In April 2019 the total number of internet users via mobile phones was 4.031 billion people.

    How do customers search for information? 

    Before purchasing a product whether that be through traditional channels or from the internet, searching for information on that product or service is the customers first step. 

    They do research for many reasons such as 

    • initiation like background information.
    • Comparison, seeing whatever product or service they would like to purchase off one company is better than another. 
    • Transaction, finding on where to buy the product or service and prices also. 
    • And finally, what experience will they get from purchasing online instead of maybe physically in a shop. Delivery services, quality of product or service etc. 

    Did you know that in 2020, worldwide digital video viewers was calculated up to 2,632.2 million people per month. 

    Videos are watched for all types of reasons. 

    If someone would like to 

    learn how to cook a certain meal or

     fix a door handle and need a tutorial on how to do it. 

    Watch a pre recorded seminar on a subject you maybe studying. 

    There are masses of video content out on the web for anyone to research. 

    Example of video consumption via digital device, people watching videos via:

    Smartphone the highest amount of people for minimum of 10 minutes is 49% 

    By PC – for 10 minutes is 62%

    Tablet is at 70% at 10 minutes of viewing time 

    And via connected tv is 81% of people watching videos for 10 minutes. 

    How has consumers’ use of technology changed over the past 3-5 years?

    It has changed so many roles in our lives such as work, travel , communicating and playing in the last 3-5 years.  

    Like the evolved ability to access the internet without using current systems like a computer or laptop, now you are able to do this on a smartphone or tablet anywhere you are in the world. 

    Staying in contact with friends and family or work colleagues with just the click of the button, so no more letter writing. 

    Organisation of shopping and banking is also available to do in an instant on any smart devices. 

    Everything we do in our lives I definitely believe has some influence from technology. Whether you are a consumer or a company it affects many choices people make. 

    As a consumer we search for the information these companies are putting out there to help with decision making but if companies do not use the influence of technology to promote their service or product then they will be instantly out of the market as technology is an almost must now. 

    What is put out onto the internet is what influences consumers and customers and that results in easier decision making. 

Link to Assignment 2 - Task 2 -Vimeo video -


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